4 Wall Line Dance, 32 Counts
Music: Locomotion by Kylie Minoque
Choreographed by Donna Laurin
Count Description
Start with weight on left foot.
1-6 Step forward on to ball of right, Recover weight back on to left, Step back on to ball of right, Recover forward on to left, Step forward on to ball of right, Recover weight back on to left
7&8 Triple step in place (r-l-r)
9-14 Step forward on to ball of left, Recover weight back on to right, Step back on to ball of left, Recover forward on to right, Step forward on to ball of left, Recover weight back on to right
15&16 Triple step in place (l-r-l)
VINE (4x, second vine with ¼ turn left)
17-20 Step right to the right, Cross left behind right, Step right to the right, Touch left beside right
21-24 Step left to the left, Cross right behind left, Step left to the left making a ¼ turn left, Touch right beside left
25-28 Step right to the right, Cross left behind right, Step right to the right, Touch left beside right
29-32 Step left to the left, Cross right behind left, Step left to the left, Touch right beside left